Sikkim is an Indian state located in the Himalayan Mountains.
Sikkim mostly has a Nepalese population. People belonging to Bhutia and Limbu
can be found in small numbers. Due to different caste of people residing there
different wedding cultures are followed there. Marriage outside the community
is allowed.
Limbus Wedding
The marriages are mostly arranged by parents or result when
a boy elopes with a girl. Asking for a girl's hand, that is the most important
ceremony. In that system, the girl can ask for anything and an unlimited amount
of gold, silver, etc. This confirms to the girl's family that the boy is
financially secure enough to keep their daughter happy. Few days after the
wedding, the boy's family members have to visit the girl's house with a piglet
and some alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks depending upon the financial
standard of his house. The key ceremonies of a Limbu wedding take place in the
groom's house rather than that of the bride's because girl has to stay with her
The Nepalese
The Nepalese appeared in Sikkim after Bhutias. Weddings
generally take place in tender age in Nepal. The wedding procedure usually
begins with an arrangement of a boy and a girl with suitable backgrounds. A
priest is called for matchmaking. The meeting takes place between the parents
of the two families. In an arranged marriage, it is the parents who choose
their children's partners. Even though the parents choose the individuals, the
children are commonly given a right to accept or reject the match. This process
is followed for arranged marriage. After the initial marriage arrangement takes
place, the wedding begins with a gathering of the traveling party at the
groom's house.
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